PADI Scuba Diver Course
From PHP 12,500
- Confined water skills session (approx 2-3 hours)
- PADI elearning done at home before the in water training
- Two Open Water Dives
- Full set of equipment to use during the course
- Entrance to resort and full instruction by an Instructor
- One day of in water training in total

The PADI Scuba Diver course takes one day of inwater training only and some elearning which must be completed before the in water training takes place. It consists of elearning theory, pool skills and 2 Open Water Dives in the Sea, supervised by a Renewed Instructor. It should take one day only. There is more than enough time for a student to complete all the requirements in one day. It is extremely rare that a student cannot complete the requirements in one day.
In the unlikey event that the student is unable to master the requirements in one day the student can come back for a remedial session the next day or on another day as long as he/she pays an additional php2000 per day for any remedial session. The course price covers training in the water for one day , an instructor for one day, equipment hire for one day and use of our diveshop for one day. Any additional day required for training for training is charged at an additional php2000 per day.
If a student is unable to complete the requirements in one day but is unable to come back for a remedial session then we will give the student a referral form which the student can use at any PADI diveshop to finish their training. The additional training will invole a fee from the new diveshop.Students who complete the course are certified to dive to a depth of 12m under the direct supervision of a Renewed Instructor or Divemaster. They can easily upgrade to Open Water divers when time allow. This course is ideal for those of you who are short on time and unable to complete the full Open Water Diver course. If you complete the Scuba Diver course you can easily upgrade(see below) to the full Open Water Diver licence when you are next on holiday.
The elearning should be completed at home before you come to the diveshop. Your instructor cannot take you in the water to begin training unless the elearning has been completed. This is why its of paramount imprtance for you to complete the elearning at home online before you start the actual training. This elearning will take you approximately 4-6 hours to complete. The course price includes the PADI elearning.
Scheduling a Course
Courses run 7 days a week and we aim to fit in with your schedule. The first part is the theory which is in the form of PADI elearning. You should do this online at home before you come to the diveshop. It usually takes 4-6 hours. If you do the e-learning before you come it will save you doing the theory here and save you a day of your holiday. With the e-learning completed before you come the diving part of the in water training part of the course should only take one day.
There is more than enough time to complete the 3 confined water training dives and the 2 Open water dives in one day.
In the unlikely event that a student requires more training to complete the requirements of the Scuba Diver course we charge php 2000 per additional day of training required to bring the student up to the required standard. In exceptional circumstances it may be that a student cannot reach the required standards. If this happens and the student is unable to reach the required levels of mastery for any of the skills even after a remedial session we will not be allowed to issue a licence. However we can still issue a referral form which the student can take to another dive centre if thestudent still wishes to try to pass somewhere else.
The course price is for one day of in wayer training . Any additional remedial days are charged at php2000. However, if the weather was bad, and that was the reason why the course could not be completed, we will postpone the course to a day with better weather. Rain is not a reasonable reason to cancel or postpone a course. Only bad sea conditions.
Medical Issues
You should be reasonably fit and healthy and at least 10 years old. If you have any medical issues like Asthma or Ear problems, or you are on medications or you have Diabetes or a history of those things or any other medical issues you must let us know before you sign up. You may need to get a Doctor’s clearance to dive.
No-Fly Times
You also need to bear in mind that you cannot fly within 18 hours of the last dive. So that usually means not until 9AM the day following the last dive.

Scuba Diver Upgrade
If you complete the Scuba Diver course you can easily upgrade(see below) to the full Open Water Diver licence when you are next on holiday.
As a fully certified Open Water Diver you will then be able to dive to 18M with another certified diver. There is no need to dive with a professional. Junior Open Water divers are restricted to 12M.
To complete the upgrade you will have to complete Knowledge Reviews 4 and 5 from the Open Water Diver manual, and complete the Final Exam. You will also have to show that you can swim 200M and float for 10 minutes. Finally, you will complete Open Water Dives 3 and 4 in the sea to become a fully certified Open Water Diver.
Cancellation Policy:
Once you have paid the 100 British Pounds deposit for the elearning and to book the course this is not refundable once the elearning has been bought for you and assigned to you. We need to use your 100 pounds deposit to buy the learning and it is not refundable. For this reason we are unable to refund your deposit if you cancel for any reason.